Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

G. Jones advises the Parks Department appreciates the comments provided by WAAC and will include an accessible picnic table, will place a high contrast colour on the swing set and the location of the swing set will be altered to allow it to be closer to the other play structures.

Comments from other WAAC members not included in the foregoing list will be forwarded to the Parks Department for their information and consideration.

5.1 Report No. 118 of WAAC – Pilot Program – Free Metered On-Street Accessible Parking

B. Kralovensky advises this matter has been referred to the New City Hall Plaza and Esplanade Project Steering Committee. He adds the Planning Department is reviewing parking options in that area.

5.2 WAAC Financial Variance Report

The Chair reports the WAAC Operating Budget for 2020 is $8,487.

5.3 Confirm and Ratify E-mail Poll

Moved by P. Best, seconded by R. Pappini,

That the following motion sent on February 10, 2020 by e-mail poll BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

"That the attached letter of Support for the City of Windsor's Jumpstart Accessibility Grant Application for the Farrow Riverside Miracle Park Project be supported, and further, that approval be given to authorize Gayle Jones, Accessibility/Diversity Officer to sign the letter on behalf of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee."

5.4 Accessibility Awards (Windsor Essex County)

G. Jones reports this community initiative was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. The City and WAAC will continue their participation in this event next year.