Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

In response to a question asked by S. Bagga regarding the Recreation and Culture Department, and how “culture” is defined, K. Arquette responds culture in this sense refers to the “arts”.

N. Petro requests that the network partners be made aware of the recreational facilities in the city. He adds he has been a member of WAAC since 2015, and he is not aware of the accessible amenities within the community.

S. Bennett Olczak asks if members are interested in assisting K. Arquette in this initiative. P. Best, S. McCabe and R. Pappini volunteer to assist.

6.1 New Playground (Tranby Area)

G. Jones states that the Parks Department reached out to WAAC for input on a new playground in the Tranby area. The playground costs are being covered by the Parks budget and they are seeking advice on the accessibility of the design. The main features that the AODA looks for regarding accessible playgrounds includes:

(a) incorporate accessibility features, such as sensory and active play components, for children and caregivers with various disabilities into the design of outdoor play spaces; and

(b) ensure that outdoor play spaces have a ground surface that is firm, stable and has impact attenuating properties for injury prevention and sufficient clearance to provide children and caregivers with various disabilities the ability to move through, in and around the outdoor play space.

G. Jones advises input received from WAAC includes the following comments: