Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

5.5 Alexander Park

Councillor Sleiman advises in the past he provided his Ward Funds for accessible improvements to Alexander Park. He notes that upgrades to the washroom are being done at this time.

G. Jones states that previous suggestions relating to Alexander Park were sent to the Parks Department some of which include:

High contract colour on benches, garbage, and recycling receptacles.

Tactile indicators to be provided on the walking path.

As people fish along the riverfront, signage should be visible to request that the walking path be kept clear due to blind and low vision individuals.

S. Bennett Olczak, Co-Chair suggests that Alexander Park be revisited to review the current condition of the park as it relates to accessibility.

P. Best, Co-Chair reports there are ongoing issues with people who fish along the river and are blocking the walking path.

5.6 Accessible Transportation Subcommittee

C. Ray states that due to COVID-19, he will provide a report at a future meeting of WAAC.

5.7 Accessibility Day at Devonshire Mall

This event was cancelled due to COVID-19.

5.8 Discoverability Network

G. Jones suggests that the Manager of Employment and Consulting Services be invited to attend the next meeting of WAAC.