Financial Matters:

Based on the low tender for Strabane Road, the funds estimated to be required is as follows.

Low Tenderer – Sherway Contracting (Windsor) Ltd.$1,423,041
Engineering (Baird AE Architecture)88,061
Non-Recoverable HST26,598
Testing, Internal PM costs & Inspection services184,328
Surface Asphalt 2020 (Estimated)50,000
Miscellaneous (Advertising, Legal Searches, etc.) and Contingencies187,972
Financing Charges for 2023 funding20,000
Previously Approved Funding$1,550,000
Additional Funding Required430,000

A total of $430,000.00 in additional funding is required to complete this project. Administration recommends that $430,000.00 in surplus (Sewer Surcharge) funding from the two projects below be transferred to the Strabane project 7152000

  1. Project 7171084 – Dominion/Northwood Intersection Improvements - $250,000.00

  2. Project 7164008 – Curry/McKay/College - $180,000.00

Both of the projects above are in their final stages and as such the surpluses are certain to occur. The Curry/McKay/College projects funding is currently available and as such a transfer of the funding to the Strabane project will happen immediately upon approval of the recommendations.

The Dominion/Northwood Intersection funding surplus is precommitted 2023 funding for the project which is no longer required. As such the recommendation to use this funding for Strabane requires the original precommitment to the Dominion/Northwood