2.1. High Level Scope

The New City Hall Square Plaza (CHSP) has been identified to be located on the site of the former 350 City Hall building. This project is multi-faceted and involves the input and skills of many of the City’s departments.

Preliminary project program elements includes:

Various consultants will be retained to complete the necessary background studies (i.e. impact assessments, geotechnical investigations, archaeological investigations, etc.), undertake preliminary and detailed design, assist in the tendering process, and provide construction administration duties.

The Planning Department and Corporate Projects will work together to deliver this project in 2 phases.

Phase 1 – Programming and Conceptual Design for the Esplanade and CHSP

The first phase involves providing a review and developing the direction for the Civic Esplanade, as well as detailed conceptual design for City Hall Square Plaza. This will include stakeholder/public consultations to help define the overall project program, and conceptual designs. The Planning Department will be the project lead during the first phase and will be supported by Corporate Projects. The scope of Phase 1 includes:

Phase 2 – Detailed Design and Construction of CHSP

The second phase is detailed design, and construction of a new City Hall Square Plaza. During the second phase, Corporate Projects will be the project lead and will be supported by the Planning Department. The scope of Phase 2 includes: