Item No. 8.2

Council Report: C 155/2020

Subject: City Hall Square Plaza and Civic Esplanade, City Wide


Date to Council: August 24, 2020
Author: Adam Coates
Senior Urban Designer
519 253-6543 Ext. 6352

Planning & Building Services
Report Date: July 24, 2020
Clerk’s File #: APM/9120

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT City Council APPROVE the use of $550,0000 (plus any applicable taxes) funded from 2020 and 2021 Pay as you go funding in the respective amounts of $243,000 and $307,000 from the City Hall Civic Plaza / Esplanade Project (PLN-021-07) for immediate use to complete the Phase 1 – Programming and Conceptual Design for the City Hall Square Plaza and Civic Esplanade work; and,
  2. That City Council PRE-APPROVE and AWARD any procurement(s) necessary that are related to the Phase 1 – Programming and Conceptual Design of the City Hall Square Plaza project, provided that the procurement(s) are within approved budget amounts, pursuant to the Purchasing By-Law 93-2012 and amendments thereto; satisfactory in financial content to City Treasurer, and in technical content to the to Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities, the City Planner, and the City Engineer; and,
  3. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendation noted above and sign any required documentation/agreement(s) for Phase 1 – Programming and Conceptual Design for the City Hall Square Plaza and Civic Esplanade project, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities, the City Planner, and the City Engineer and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and,
  4. That the Purchasing Manager BE AUTHORIZED to issue Purchase Orders as may be required to effect the recommendation noted above, subject to all specification being satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor; in technical content to the Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities, the City Planner, and the City Engineer; in financial content to the City Treasurer, and further; and,