Executive Summary:


On March 8, 1993, Council adopted the Civic Square Urban Design Study and Master Plan that recommend a preferred Master Plan which set the physical and planning framework for the coordinated development of the “Civic Square” area of downtown. It envisioned the Civic Square developing over time as a unified governmental precinct (i.e. a campus) that acknowledges the rich context of the past and present conditions.

Subsequently, on October 31, 1994, Council adopted the Windsor City Centre Revitalization & Design Study “as a guide for the revitalization of the City Centre” (Ml03 -94). The Windsor City Centre Revitalization & Design Study is a comprehensive study that was commissioned by the City and Province “ to present a comprehensive plan for managing growth and change which will maximize the positive economic and social impact of the casino in rejuvenating the heart of the City .” The study reaffirmed the vision and urban design direction first proposed by the Civic Square Urban Design Study and Master Plan.

Through the years, many improvements have been made along the Civic Esplanade and Civic Square that resulted in several of the readily identifiable features as it stands today.

On January 20, 2014, City Council received a report for the development of a New City Hall Facility. (Report 16526) The report outlined the New City Hall Project and provided approval and direction (CR20/2014).

Moriayama & Teshima Architects in a joint venture with Architecttura Architects were awarded the RFP to provide architectural services for the New City Hall. The RFP included instruction to the Architects to consider the surrounding context for the new City Hall building.

Accordingly, a high level organizational and concept was provided to the architect which incorporated the direction established by the Civic Square Urban Design Study and Master Plan and subsequent investments. It is also a concept that entrenches the idea