2. Survey Questionnaire

A survey questionnaire was sent to each participating organization. Data Collected was;

Data Analysis

1. What did we do?

Once data was collected it was compiled for analysis by position. Data was collected for 8 positions. Two positions, CEO, Your Quick Getaway & Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation/Corporate Leader, Transportation Services and Corporate Leader, Parks, Recreation, Culture & Facilities did not have enough data to be included in the survey analysis.

The CEO, Your Quick Getaway & Windsor Detroit Tunnel Corporation/Corporate Leader, Transportation Services received only two responses for matches. For the position of Corporate Leader, Parks, Recreation, Culture & Facilities we had a reasonable response rate of 6, however upon further investigation we determined 4 were not appropriate matches. By looking at the department structure for each organization we learned that the positions provided to us as matches were not senior leaders, but department Directors not reporting to the CAO. The wage disparity for these roles in comparison to other senior leadership roles surveyed was also indicative of poor matches.

Positions were analyzed on the basis of mean, median, 25 th , 65 th and 75 th percentile. Windsor’s salaries were also looked at as a percentile ranking within the reported data range. (The definitions of statistical measures appear in Appendix A.)

Compiled data can be found:

Chart 1: CAO vs Median Market Data (2017 & 2018)     Page 7

Chart 2: CLT vs Median Market Data (2017 & 2018)      Page 7