Resources PROCEED as per the direction and motion of City Council as it relates to the 2010 Salary Market Comparison for the CAO, that being the same target pay position used for the non-union group should be applied to the CAO and the Corporate Leaders, providing for a salary at the 50 th pay percentile.” This recommendation was adopted by Council at its meeting held on March 5, 2012 (M125-2012).

Additionally at its February 27, 2012 Executive Committee meeting, City Council approved the following recommendation... “ That the Executive Director of Human Resources PROVIDE for the Corporate Leaders a salary range maintained at no less than the 50 th pay percentile of the comparator municipalities commencing in 2010 as indicated in the Market Salary Comparison review...” and further “ THAT the Corporation of the City of Windsor BE DIRECTED to conduct a salary market comparison review every two years for CANUE employees, the Corporate Leadership Team and the Chief Administrative Officer.” Both of these items were adopted at the March 5, 2012 City Council meeting as M124-2012 and M145-2012 respectively.

The 2012 Salary Market Comparison was for the 3 years of 2010, 2011 and 2012, and City Council approved salary market comparisons be completed thereafter every 2 years. The last salary market review was completed in 2017 for the years 2015 and 2016.


In conducting the 2017-2018 salary market review it was recommended by both the Salary Market Review Committee and the Consultant and further approved through Council Resolution C128/2019 that the methodology remain consistent for the 2017/2018 review with the exception of a change to one comparator municipality. Mississauga was subsequently removed as a comparator municipality for this review and replaced with Guelph. This change better aligned the City of Windsor to comparator municipalities when looking at such criteria as population, budget and the number of employees. The rationale to remove Mississauga and add Guelph, was also based on corporate structure.

The summary report from the Consultants, Annetts and Associates, is attached as “Appendix A” for review and re ference. The report compared the CAO and CLT to similar positions within the market comparator group. The following market comparators were used: