In order to maintain consistency with the non-union group and as per City Council direction the target for the CAO and each of the CLT is at the 50 th pay percentile of comparator municipalities. Based on the 2017/2018 Salary Market Review, as the CAO and CLT have maintained the target market percentile, there is no adjustment required for 2017 or 2018.

In addition to the contractual obligation through the CAO’s Employment Agreement, the purpose of conducting a compensation or salary market review has been to ensure equitable compensation to the CAO and the Corporation’s Corporate Leadership Team relative to comparable positions in other comparable municipalities. The review process also allows for market competitiveness against other municipal organizations and in keeping with the following:

  1. Retention and Attraction: In doing so, it adds an element to the Corporation’s overall compensation package, thereby strengthening our ability to retain the existing CAO and Corporate Leaders and to attract new highly talented executive leaders. Interestingly, the retention of existing staff is not as much of an issue as attraction of new staff, especially at the CAO and Corporate Leadership level which require a diverse skill set to lead a variety of different services and handle portfolios that are extremely complex and are high profile in nature. Both the CAO and Corporate Leaders require multi-talented skill sets and strong leadership capabilities. While it is ideal to promote very capable people within the Corporation to these positions, it is not always possible to do so in every portfolio and may require an external search. Individuals in a Corporate Leadership capacity are usually highly sought after by other municipalities (either locally or in other jurisdictions) and/or public sector organizations to fill similar or Chief Administrative/Executive positions. Therefore, maintaining a salary structure at the 50 th percentile at the Corporate Leadership level is essential to retaining and attracting the “right people” that can lead the organization and ensure that Council’s (as well as the Community’s) vision is realized.

  2. Overall Succession Planning: During its presentation to the Executive Committee meeting of Council on May 30, 2016, PWC provided the following information to the Corporation .... ”Given the aging workforce employed at the City and the significant number of individuals holding key positions that are eligible