Federal Net-Zero Commitment

During the throne speech of September 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau further outlined a proposed commitment for Canada to be net-zero by the year 2050.

This would align with the IPCC carbon budget approach to climate change mitigation. Carbon budgeting as a general tool is critically important in achieving the net zero target.

If the federal net-zero target is formally committed to, the City of Windsor will have five years to revise its own emissions reduction targets to align with the federal target in order to align with the requirements of the Global Covenant of Mayors. This alignment is also required in order to proceed with certain grant opportunities.

Canadian and International Cities with Carbon Budgets

The list below summarizes various cities with carbon budgets and the associated year that the total 2050 budget is exhausted.

Edmonton – Carbon budget exhausted 2028

Toronto – Carbon budget exhausted 2033

Vancouver – Carbon budget currently being prepared

Oslo, Norway – Present emissions are 2.3 tonnes per capita. On track for goal of net zero by 2030.

Frankfurt, Germany – Budget exhausted 2031

Manchester, UK – Budget exhausted 2028

Windsor, ON – Budget exhausted 2029

Risk Analysis:

There are no significant risks associated with this information report.

Climate Change Mitigation Risks

This information report identifies certain global risks of not effectively limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Climate Change Adaptation Risks

The information presented in this information report does not contain specific risks directly but effective mitigation efforts work to reduce future adaptation requirements.