Carbon Budget MilestoneCarbon BudgetYear budget is exhausted at current emissions levels
203015,490,727 Tonnes2025
205026,359,408 Tonnes2029

As determined from the calculations, without emissions reductions the City of Windsor will exhaust the 2030 carbon budget in 2025 and the 2050 carbon budget in 2029.

It should be noted that the emissions reduction targets for carbon budgeting are significantly more aggressive than Wi ndsor’s current community energy plan emissions reduction target. The CEP target, current emissions projection and carbon budget trajectories are displayed in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 – Carbon Budget timeline compared to emissions reduction trajectory per the Community Energy Plan as well as forecast future emissions.

To be in accordance with IPCC C40 carbon budget the City’s target would need to reduce to 3.2 tonnes by year 2030 or approximately 64% below 2017 levels by 2030.