Health Team (OHT) model. Full application submitted to the Ministry of Health on September 18, 2020.


There are 29 approved Ontario Health Teams (OHT) across the province. On July 23, 2020, the Provincial government announced continued advancement of the Ontario Health Teams model, inviting a further 17 teams to move forward and complete full applications to become Ontario Health Teams. Based on the evaluation of the intake and assessment documentation submitted to date, the Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team was invited to submit a Full Application, which is Step #3 in the process as noted above. It is anticipated that the government will take six to eight weeks to review the applications, with further announcements expected later this year.

At maturity, Ontario Health Teams will be responsible for delivering a full and coordinated continuum of care to a defined population of Ontario residents, and will be accountable for the health outcomes and health care costs of that population. However, the full application recommends that a Year 1 target population be identified to focus the initial implementation of these teams. Year 1 is unique to each Ontario Health Team and refers to the first twelve months of a team’s oper ations. In light of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health has directed that the short-term OHT work should be directed in part by the local learnings from the pandemic.

Once approved, the Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team Year 1 strategy will focus on the population in High Risk Congregate Living Settings. This targeted population closely aligns with those residents supported through the work of Community Development and Health Services, particularly in the areas of homelessness and supportive housing. Windsor Essex has approximately 97 congregate living locations with 2,000 residents. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted congregate care setting residents as a particularly vulnerable group. Improving the health and well-being of these residents, through the lens of the social determinants of health, has benefits across the broader community.

As well, Year 1 activities will include OHT Infrastructure Development. To date, a Windsor Essex Ontario Health Team Steering Committee has been established, which manages detailed planning and implementation activities necessary to gain approval for and launch the local team. This work has been lead through resources dedicated by Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care. The Steering Committee’s work and priorities are informed by the Partnership Council, which is a broad and representative council of health and social service providers. Both the Steering Committee and Partnership Council are interim structures that will continue until a longer-term governance structure is designe d and approved in alignment with Ministry of Health’s Guide for Ontario Heath Teams.