Item No. 11.8

Council Report: C 204/2020

Subject: Confirm and Ratify Report regarding Report No. 7 of the Diversity Committee - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the results of the email poll authorized by Mayor Drew Dilkens on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, approving the following resolution BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

THAT City Council approve the recommendation of the Diversity Committee contained in Report No. 7 as attached which reads as follows:

That the Letter of Support for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Connection grant application from Dr. Jane Ku (Sociology/Women’s and Gender Studies) along with colleagues at the University of Windsor to hold a conference on racism and antiracism with an emphasis on local experience in Windsor Essex BE APPROVED.

Executive Summary:



Section 3.7 of Procedure By-law 98-2011 provides the following:

emergency situations requiring Council direction where time does not permit holding a special meeting of Council and/or quorum of Council