tri-pole, self-support telecommunication tower with panel-style antennas, a 70 sq. m. tower compound with a ±8.91 sq. m. equipment shelter (incl. lights that will not shine into the sky) and ±2.4m tall security fence and requires a new approach. The proposed telecommunications facility will provide enhanced wireless service and capacity to the area, supporting personal and business communications and public access to emergency services.

Consultation Summary:

Notification packages were mailed on August 4, 2020 to twenty-three (23) landowners within three-times tower height regarding the development proposal. In addition, a notification was sent to the landowner of the subject property for their information. Notification packages were also sent to City staff, the area councillor, MP and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Two residents submitted feedback about the proposed facility, including the following concerns:

  1. Location and questioned alternative locations (1 mile distance by new bridge)

  2. Health and safety with regards to radiofrequency energy

  3. Aesthetics

  4. Property Value impact

  5. Community heritage impact

  6. Interference

Review of Concerns:

  1. Location – Further to the written responses to the public, we explained that TELUS’ network planning and radiofrequency engineering departments determined the proposed tower must be situated within a very small geographic area, in order to enhance wireless network coverage and capacity to the surrounding area. The proposed location was chosen after securing a lease with a willing landowner and completion of a variety of technical qualifications. Alternative locations suggested by residents are outside of TELUS’ search area boundaries, i.e. too far away and would decrease the ability for TELUS to improve service to the area. The proposed location is the best feasible and economically reasonable location that could be found that would enhance service to the surrounding community.

  2. Aesthetics – Regarding the aesthetics of the proposed tower, the tower height is needed for optimum antenna placement and broadcast of radiocommunication. Moving the tower further away from the customer base would negatively impact TELUS’ ability to enhance service to the area and may result in additional telecommunications facilities being needed in the area. The proposed lattice-style tower does not provide a solid visual obstruction as compared to other tower designs, rather it provides visual transparency as you can view the sky between the individual metal elements. In addition it is located on commercial land and near industrial and commercial land uses. TELUS has devoted significant resources and effort in designing this facility.

  3. Property Value – As previously stated in our responses to the residents who voiced this concern, ISEDC does not consider property value concerns to be reasonable, because of inconclusive data regarding the relationship and impact that telecommunication facilities have on property value and the importance that radiocommunication has in our society and economy, including residential, business and institutional uses.

TELUS File: ON001423 – Windsor-Huron Church Rd./Mill St. (Ambassador Bridge)