The full survey results are attached as ‘Appendix A’.

On March 4, 2020 public open house was held at the Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre to gather additional public input. None of the written feedback from the March 4th open house opposed home sharing (short term rental of rooms with a primary residence). Residents, STR operators, and representatives from the hospitality industry were in attendance and offered comments which mostly focussed on the rental of dedicated STRs (i.e. where the host lives off-site). Most commenters agreed that some level of regulation is required to minimize impacts within residential neighbourhoods and ensure a level playing field within the hospitality industry.

Many residents oppose dedicated STRs in residential neighbourhoods, citing safety, nuisance, parking congestion, and removal of monthly rental stock as rationale. Some STR owners prefer renting on a short-term basis as it offers similar revenue compared to monthly rentals without obligations imposed under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. All written comments received at the open house are attached as ‘Appendix B’.

Recommended STR Regulation Framework

Based on the research conducted and feedback received, Administration has set out the main issues related to STRs and has provided recommendations for a regulatory framework in Table 2 below. The recommended framework seeks a balance between permitting STRs to operate throughout the City while limiting impacts to residential neighbourhoods. There has been much debate regarding whether STRs are a residential or commercial use. The objective of the regulations is to ensure the operation of STRs is consistent and compatible with residential uses.

The recommended framework responds to the main issues raised at the public open house by prohibiting the operation of dedicated STRs in residential neighbourhoods. The direction is consistent with most approved and proposed regulatory regimes in Ontario. The framework would ensure all residents would be able to rent up to three guest rooms within their principle residence. The recommended framework serves to set a broad direction for regulation of STRs. If endorsed, additional details will be presented to Council for consideration as part of implementation.

Table 2: Recommended Framework For Regulating STRs
  Issue Description Recommendation Implementation
1. Definition A definition is required to distinguish STRs from standard monthly rentals and traditional bed & breakfast accommodations. Define STRs as a rental of all or part of a dwelling unit for less than 30 consecutive days.
  • Zoning By-law
  • Licensing By-law