As shown in Table 1, most municipalities have proposed or adopted regulations that:

Beyond these matters STR regulations seem to vary widely among Ontario Municipalities. There is certainly no single agreed upon comprehensive method of regulation for STRs in Ontario. What does become evident is that each municipality has created a regulatory regime with their specific community needs in mind.

Public Consultation

From February 11 – March 6, 2020 Administration conducted an online survey regarding STRs in Windsor and gathered responses from 418 residents. Windsor residents accounted for 90% of respondents, with 79% being homeowners. Overall, general regulation of STR’s was supported by 43% of respondents while 56% opposed it. A majority of respondents are in favour of allowing rentals of several housing categories including primary residences and investment properties. There was also a high level of support for rentals in various housing types such as detached homes, townhomes, condos, apartments and ‘granny suites’. The widely held opinion of respondents was in support of city-wide rentals with no limits on nights per year. In terms of specific concerns regarding STRs, the below chart summarizes the respondent’s opinions: