Note that AADT’s provided by the City of Windsor are from 2013 and with assumptions made by JJAE a forecasted AADT was generated. JJAE has used a 2.5% annual growth over 17 years to provide the future (2030) AADT. The traffic data is the foundation of this analysis and the Study will be updated if the values change. Traffic data was supplied by the City of Windsor. The City of Windsor AADT for Noise Studies reports have been supplied in Attachment B.

3.3 Road Traffic Noise Modeling Results

JJAE calculated the Plane of Window (POW) noise exposure for each floor of the residential building for the separate daytime and nighttime periods.

The STAMSON road traffic model outputs are provided in Attachment B.

3.4 Road Traffic Modeling Discussion

Noise control requirements will be defined based on NPC 300.

Daytime Outdoor Living Area Assessment (NPC 300, Section C7.1.1)

NPC 300 section A5 (pages 13-14) defines an Outdoor Living Area (OLA). As part of this definition, a balcony or terrace is considered an OLA if it has a minimum depth of 4 meters. All balconies are less than 4 m in depth and therefore will not be considered as OLAs.

A ground level OLA “Amenity Landscape area has been located on the Site Plan and has been ideally positioned around mostly enclosed by the building itself. This location has a partially blocked line-of-sight to select roadways. The noise impact has been summarized in Table B.1. The following warning clause is required:

Warning Clause A: “Purchasers/tenants are advised that sound levels due to increasing road traffic may occasionally interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the sound levels exceed the sound level limits of the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.”

Plane of a Window – Ventilation Requirements (NPC 300, Section C7.1.2)

The predicted daytime and nighttime Plane of Window (POW) noise impact assumes a worst-case and direct line of sight noise exposure to both roads, unless the condominium itself blocks line-of-sight (full or partial).