2. Land Development and Site Conditions

The Site has one significant roadway in the vicinity of the development: Lauzon Road approximately 15 meters to the East. There are several intervening and off-site structures that provide line-of-sight obstruction to the roads; a line-of-sight obstruction was not included in our analysis of the elevated and most critical residential dwellings’ noise impact exposure to road traffic noise as the worst-case.

The noise impact from off-site stationary noise sources located at adjacent commercial / industrial facilities was evaluated at the Site. Self-contamination noise impact was also evaluated from rooftop mechanical equipment and discussed separately.

3. Road Traffic Analysis

3.1 Road Traffic Noise Modeling Methodology

The road traffic noise impact was conducted using STAMSON, the MOE's computerized model of ORNAMENT. The Application of the model for the site was consistent with the ORNAMENT technical documents. The computer model input parameters include, among other data, the number of road segments, number of house rows, the positional relationship of the receptor to a noise source or barrier in terms of distance, elevation and angle of exposure to the source, the basic site topography, the ground surface type, traffic volumes, traffic composition and speed limit.

The predicted sound level is based on the 1-hour equivalent sound level, designated as Leq, and is adjusted by the STAMSON program to the 16-hour daytime and the 8-hour nighttime equivalent sound level. The applicable noise criteria for noise sensitive spaces are specified in terms of the 16-hour daytime period (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.) and 8-hour nighttime period (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) enabling a direct comparison between the STAMSON model output and the noise limits.

3.2 Road Traffic Model Input Parameters

This section describes the STAMSON model input parameters used to predict road traffic noise impact for the Site.

3.2.1 Road Traffic Parameters

The traffic data provided by the City of Windsor has been summarized below:

Lauzon Street: