The subject lands are vacant and located along a City Corridor on Schedule J. City Corridors provide opportunities for Medium Profile residential development up to 26 m in height. The proposed development is a Medium Profile development with a height of 16 m, in accordance with the City Corridors policies.


To encourage a mix of uses.

The proposed development will add medium density residential land uses to the immediate area, which is made up of primarily low density residential and commercial uses. The proposed development will provide a mix of land uses and densities to the area and assist the City in achieving this policy.


To encourage the location of basic goods and services to where people live and work.

The addition of medium density residential land uses will provide support for the existing and future commercial uses along the Lauzon Road corridor.


To recognize the needs of the community in terms of shelter, support services, accessibility and mobility.

The proposed intensification of the subject lands with medium density residential land uses will assist the local community by providing more affordable forms of shelter and accessibility to transit services.


To accommodate the appropriate range and mix of housing.

The subject lands are an appropriate location for residential intensification given the surrounding land uses and access to transit services along Lauzon Road. The proposed applications will assist the City of Windsor in achieving an appropriate range and mix of housing.


Council will encourage the planting of trees on public and private property, in particular those species most tolerant of Windsor’s climatic conditions and those less susceptible to disease.