Windsor OP is proposed to implement the development. No site-specific policies are proposed or required. The proposed development is considered Residential – Medium Profile.

Lauzon Road is identified as a Class I Arterial Road and Edgar Street is identified as a Class II Collector Road and Bikeway on Schedule F – Roads and Bikeways. The lands are not subject to any Special Policy Areas on Schedule A-1 Special Policy Areas or any overlays on Schedule B – Greenway Systems. Lauzon Road is identified as a City Corridor on Schedule J – Urban Structure Plan.

The proposed development conforms to the City of Windsor OP, including the following applicable policies:


City Corridors serve to connect the City Centre Growth Centre and Regional Commercial Centres. City corridors radiate from these Centres following numerous high frequency transit corridors. City corridors connect to Regional Commercial Centres along selected arterial roads but do not extend as far outward or as numerous as corridors connected to the City Centre. These corridors are intended to provide services for those living in close proximity to the area but also those who may arrive by transit, bicycle and by car. There are higher density employment and residential opportunities, with a significant amount of retail to support both every day needs, but also needs beyond the day such as furniture and appliance stores, home improvement stores, and stores that carry specialty items…Residential development may include high profile (26 to 58 metres in height), medium profile (14 to 26 metres in height) and residential over retail at street, as well as row housing and lofts.