have the potential to delay the project. Hiring of the consultant will assist the City in identifying barriers, shortlisting available options based on prioritization of goals, and moving forward toward adherence to the legislative requirements in a timely manner.

Financial Risk: This report proposes use of existing unused funding sources for this project, because, as noted above, it is not practical to wait until the 2021 Capital budget is approved to proceed with the award of this RFP. One existing funding source (Project 7161018) was intended to allow the Pollution Control department to develop bio-solids disposal strategies. Since co-processing of biosolids with food and organic waste is being considered as part of this project it is logical to use the funds available under project 7161018 (Bio-Solids Disposal Strategies), however, there is a risk that the preferred solution as a result of the scope of this RFP may not include biosolids processing. If this happens, further funding will be required to replenish this project.

Climate Change Mitigation Risk: Developing a biosolids and organics strategy has been outlined as a Priority Action in the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration. Depending on the technology selected, significant emissions reduction is possible.

Climate Change Adaptation Risk: The review of any technology or site selection shall include an assessment of possible climate change impacts that may affect ongoing operations of such a facility (e.g. flooding risk).

Financial Matters:

As per RFP# 132-20 and in accordance with the Purchasing by-law, GHD Limited was the successful Proponent. Therefore, it is recommended that GHD Limited be awarded contract in the amount of $132,500 plus HST.

The proposed budget for this Phase 1 of the project is as follows:

Expense Budget Amount
Consulting Services (RFP# 132-20) $132,500
Internal Project Management $50,000
Contingency $20,000
Non Recoverable HST $2,333
TOTAL Expenses Phase 1 $204,833

As part of the 2020 Capital Budget, funding was approved in principle in project OPS-006-19 (Food and Organic Waste Collection and Treatment). Funding of $100,000 in 2021 was approved in principle for these consulting services. These funds are not sufficient to complete the initial phase of the project as above. As such Administration is recommending additional funding sources for this project.