Due to the considerable GHG potential from the anaerobic digestion for biosolids and organics, anaerobic digestion was identified as a priority action in the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration (CR187/2020). The City’s current path for reaching GHG reduction targets is based on anaerobic digestion of biosolids and organics.

Synergies with existing processes (garbage, yard waste and biosolids from the wastewater treatment plants)

Site selection must consider proximity to existing facilities if co-processing of waste streams is deemed desirable. Other considerations include impacts on and integration of existing facilities and processes, use of shared facilities where possible and existing service contracts.


Administration recommends hiring of a consultant with specific experience to evaluate options related to organics and biosolids management and processing. The proposed scope of work generally includes, but is not limited to:

Using the scope as identified above, request for Proposals (RFP#132-20) for the provision of consulting services were received September 28, 2020. Submissions were received from Dillon Consulting Limited, GHD Limited and Tetra Tech Canada.

Two proponents passed the technical phase and their cost envelopes were opened on October 5, 2020. The successful Proponent was identified as GHD Limited based on the evaluation scoring matrix outlined in the RFP which assessed experience, qualifications, staffing, schedule and cost.

All cost proposals were checked for mathematical errors and none were found. The RFP was conducted in compliance with the City’s Purchasing By-law 93-2012.

Risk Analysis:

Risks Associated with Failure to Act: There is a significant timing and compliance risk associated with failure to proceed expeditiously with this project. Legislation mandates that the City provide curbside collection of food and organic waste by 2025. Site selection and possible land acquisition, procurement and environmental studies and planning applications Page 7 of 10