
Audit report

Observation # and name


Executive approval from




Golf &

Curling Club

167 - Update policy manual to address organization specific needs

Original Due Date

September 30, 2018

Roseland General



Assistant General


Background: Internal Audit noted that the Roseland Golf and Curling ​

Club policy has not been updated since 2008, the policy manual does not address Roseland Golf and Curling Club specific needs and lacks key policy elements. There was no evidence of staff training on policies and procedures and the process for periodic review of policies was not defined

Management agreed to carry out the following:

  • Review 2008 Policy Manual.

  • Incorporate adopted and implemented City policies.

  • Incorporate policies specific for golf operations, employee code of conduct.

  • Incorporate an Organization Chart in identifying reporting structure and roles and responsibilities.

  • Present to Roseland Board of Directors for adoption.

  • Implement document control with a procedure for a master copy, identified by colour, location and possession.

  • Approval of all Roseland specific and City adopted policies by the Roseland Board of Directors

  • Include policies manual with employee enrollment package for review and sign off.

  • Organize a policies manual review session for current employees.

Make a copy of the Policies Manual centrally available in three locations, Little River Pro Shop, Roseland Pro Shop and Roseland Clubhouse Servery.

Reason for delay:The change over of management has caused the ​ delay.

Basis for viability of reforecasted date: ​Roseland Board is working on finalising the Policy Manual to address Organization Specific Needs and anticipates completion by early summer 2020.

The targeted date was based on operations functioning as normal.

Management will provide the updated documentation and present the manuals to the Board of Directors for review and approval. This is on schedule and pending. The realistic target date is December 2020.

Retarget Date

December 31, 2020

# of Retargets


Days since Identification

2 years 3 months

Days past

Original Due


1 year 2 months