
Internal Audit selected a sample of two (2) of the eight (8) downtown properties and conducted site visits. The eight (8) downtown properties are listed as follows:

1. 350 City Hall Square* 5. Windsor Museum and Art Gallery*
2. 400 City Hall Square* 6. Windsor Water World
3. The Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre* 7. Pelissier Parking Garage
4.  The Windsor International Transit Terminal* 8. Goyeau Parking Garage

* These represent the five (5) sites for which an external security consulting firm has been retained to conduct security threat/vulnerability/risk assessments (TRVA).

During our visits, we inquired about and observed safety programs available for employees including safety/security related tools and systems that were in place. This included information related to external lighting, alarm system, access mechanisms, inspection system, monitoring by security guard, maintaining visitor logs, availability of emergency manuals, training and support provided to employees, incident reporting and management, security camera installation, etc.

To illustrate how joint/functional responsibility for managing corporate security risks we can summarize management’s activities into three (3) categories 1) managing the physical infrastructure 2) managing workplace health and safety and 3) managing contracted services.

The following comments are relevant to these three (3) managed services:

The table on the following page specifies the department or function responsible for each of the managed service categories until a central owner for managing corporate security risks is defined.