Performance Objective  Assessment (% Attained)  Summary 

3. Contractor trucks  on route:

100% of contractor trucks were on the assigned routes during a winter event. 

Substantially Attained

For 86.5% of now event, contractor covered 99% of the routes assigned to them 

Using data analytics, based on available GPS records for contractor salter/plow trucks during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons, we identified that in 45 (86.5%) out of 52 snow events, the routes assigned to the contractor were covered for 99% and above. 7 (13.5%) out of 52 snow events the routes assigned to the contractor were covered for less than 99%. When there is construction or emergency roadblocks, the routes may not be covered by 100% during a winter event. 

Substantially Attained

98.9% of individual trucks covered more than 90% of the respective routes assigned to them

GPS data analysis also identified that in 704 (98.9%) of 712 individual truck snow events, the individual truck covered more than 90% of the respective routes assigned to them. 8 (1.1%) of 712 individual truck snow events, the individual trucks covered less than 90% of the respective routes assigned to them. When there are construction or emergency roadblocks, the routes may not be covered 100%. In addition, some portions of the individual route are designed for the salter truck to come back to the City’s yard when it completes the salting. The truck is allowed to choose other roads to come back

4. Breaks:

100% of contractor operators do not take more than half an hour break for every 4 hours operation

Substantially Attained

99.8% of contractor operators followed the rules for taking breaks 

Based on available GPS records for all contractor trucks during the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons we identified that 9,345.28 (99.8%) hours out of 9,362 operating hours identified through GPS are in compliance with break time entitled. In 12 different events trucks idled for more than one hour and less than two hours, for a total of 16.72 hours. There were no notes regarding the idles identified above in the related supervisor logs. The locations the trucks idled suggest the idling may not be related to work. The total idle time counts for 0.2% of total 9,362 operating hours identified through GPS.

The incidents appear to be isolated, however, the performance objective of 100% compliance with break time was substantially attained. We cannot readily determine the basis for the exceptions or whether they may be valid operational issues or potential performance issues; however proximity of truck GPS location to restaurants/coffee shops or non-work related areas is apparent.