Considerations for improvement

1. Establish quantifiable expectations/goals for drills


At a minimum, once a year an evacuation/emergency drill is performed as evidenced by the City of Windsor Emergency Response Manuals. It was noted that no quantifiable expectations/goals are established to benchmark the results of these drills.


Management should consider developing clearly defined measures for the drills. This may benefit management in directing its efforts in improving evaluation times by implementing measures like the PA system etc. These measures may be extended to other security measures, such as the number of times trespass policy was applied etc. Examples of measures could include but are not limited to:

  • number of reported cases where staff could not hear the alarm or were not reachable by radio or by designated informer;
  • number of minutes building evacuated/locked down (for comparison against sites with similar characteristics);
  • number of days between drill and communication of lessons learned;
  • number of near miss events originating around or on city properties; and
  • average number of occupants for each marshaling areas.
2. Readiness to adopt the mandatory vendor performance management controls


A set of Vendor Relationship Management Procedures and Guidelines have been drafted and will be presented to the Council in the upcoming months (preferably April 2020 or May 2020) as indicated by management. We noted that protocols for vendor performance evaluation for service providers have been established in the draft procedures and would be communicated to contract/vendor relationship owners once approved. 


We recommend that the owners of significant contracts start to prepare for the implementation by reviewing vendor performance expectations and documenting baseline performance results/evaluations informally prior to the formal requirement.

The City may wish to anticipate contracts with joint responsibilities and whether this impacts the process for evaluations.