
Implement the Sewer Master Plan overall recommendations (including but not limited to) - Identify infrastructure most at risk for extreme weather impacts; Continue to implement sewer infrastructure replacement and improvements; Install rain guards in sanitary manholes; Design and installation of curb inlet flow restrictors; Introduce city-wide mandatory downspout disconnection; Explore feasibility of a retention treatment basin (RTB) on the riverfront trunk sewer near the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant; Explore opportunities for stormwater storage near the Little River Pollution Control Plant.

Lead: Engineering. Supporting Role: Pollution Control; Operations; ESCC; Asset Planning.

Sewer Master Plan





Increase City of Windsor staff resources to address future gap in trained personnel - Review staff resources required for flooded infrastructure response during extreme rain events; Promote skilled trades as an important, rewarding career to address future gaps in trained personnel.

Lead: Pollution Control. Supporting Role: HR; School Boards; St. Clair College.





Incorporate climate change considerations into infrastructure design, development, maintenance and renewal - Continue to consider climate change when implementing the City of Windsor's Asset Management Plan; Continue to implement the Triple Bottom Line approach considering financial, social and environmental costs and benefits when making infrastructure decisions

Lead: Asset Planning. Supporting Role: Engineering, Operations; Pollution Control; ESCC; Parks.

Asset Management Plan


