3.2 | Develop a media notification system to prepare residents for large storm events - Provide information on what to do before, during and after extreme rain events in real time. Lead: ESCC; Communications. Supporting Role: Operations; Engineering. | Short-Term | $ | Low | |
3.3 | Continue and enhance the basement flooding subsidy program and other methods of protecting property - Include a subsidy for sewer lateral video surveillance and subsequent repair or replacement as part of the basement flooding subsidy program; Continue to subsidize rainbarrels. Lead: Engineering. Supporting Role: Operations; ESCC. | Sewer Master Plan | Short-Term | $$-$$$$ | Medium |
3.4 | Continue and enhance tree pruning programs to develop proper tree health and limit future damage - Enhance tree pruning and maintenance programs on City of Windsor trees using the City's updated Tree Inventory; Implement an outreach program for private tree care and maintenance. Lead: Forestry. | Short-Term | $$ | Medium | |
3.5 | Review and improve policies and procedures to prepare for overland flooding - Identify vulnerable roads and areas prone to overland flooding and have appropriate plans in place to address them; Continue to provide sandbags to vulnerable properties when required; Continue to sandbag critical infrastructure when required; Install high water detection equipment at critical infrastructure to monitor surface water levels. Lead: Community Control Group. Supporting Role: Engineering; Operations; Pollution Control; ERCA. | Emergency Response Plan | Short-Term | $-$$ | Medium |
3.6 | Promote public and private building standards and maintenance practices which protect buildings and HVAC units from damage due to increased cooling demand - Consider new design and replacement standards for building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) units; Enhance preventative maintenance for building HVAC units. Lead: Facilities; Corporate Projects. Supporting Role: Planning and Building; Private Building Owners; School boards. | Short-Term | $ | Low |