
Develop an Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) Response Plan - Communicate AQHI warnings via email and a website link to the public as well as community partners (ex. Windsor- Essex Housing Connections WEHCI); Identify actions to limit pollution produced during AQHI warnings as well as limit staff and community exposure to poor air quality; In collaboration with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit increase education about the air quality heat index (AQHI).

Lead: ESCC; WEC Health Unit. Supporting Role: Communications; Parks; Fleet; Human Resources; Transit Windsor; School Boards; Hospitals; Canadian Red Cross; Heart and Stroke Foundation; EMS; Unions; Environment Canada.






Decrease public and private contributions to air quality contaminants - Enhance the City of Windsor's Anti-Idling Bylaw; Improve education and awareness of the Anti-Idling Bylaw; Investigate the feasibility of replacing gas and diesel burning equipment with cleaner technologies such as electric powered equipment; Promote the benefits of public and private trees including carbon dioxide capture and improved air quality.

Lead: Parking Enforcement; Windsor Police Services. Supporting Role: Parks; Fleet.

Greening the Fleet Plan





Enhance monitoring for vector borne diseases and new infections diseases - Continue to work in collaboration with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to undertake tick and mosquito surveillance programs; Promote the WECHU Fight the Bite public awareness campaign; Continue to participate in larviciding programs to decrease the spread of vector borne diseases; Provide personal protection for outside workers against vector borne disease; Enhance Bylaw Enforcement and response to standing water complaints.

Lead: WEC Health Unit. Supporting Role: ESCC; By-law

Enforcement; Public Health Ontario; Regional Communications




