
Enhance community safety during icy conditions - Investigate enhancement to winter maintenance and snow ploughing of sidewalks and public spaces; Enhance Bylaw Enforcement and response to public and private snow and ice complaints; Identify and address areas where snow melt water accumulates and increases the likelihood of ice formation; Enhance education to the public about ice and snow hazards; Improve communications to private businesses and landowners on their roles and responsibilities for the maintenance of sidewalks during freezing rain or snow events.

Lead: Operations. Supporting Role: By-Law Enforcement; Parks & Facilities; Communications; Private Building Owners/Operators; Residents.





Enhance Surveillance for blue-green algae in our surface water bodies - In collaboration with the WECHU enhance education about the dangers of blue-green algae for water users; Develop and education campaign targeting fertilizer use and washing cars around storm water ponds; Develop a regional plan to reduce phosphorus levels in our environment.

Lead: WEC Health Unit; ERCA. Supporting Role: Pollution Control; Recreation; GLIER; WUC.





Increase the education to the public on how to reduce their personal risk of basement flooding - Hire a coordinator to conduct public education and outreach to highlight responsibilities of the property owner and promote lot level storm water controls (rainbarrels, rain gardens, down spout disconnections etc.); Develop outreach programs to teach residents what they can do to reduce snowmelt flooding on their property; Provide education to private market and social housing landlords and business owners outlining precautions, insurance options and responsibilities for tenants and landlords; Provide education on cleaning and fixing damaged property after a flooding event to prevent mould growth.

Lead: ESCC. Supporting Role: Engineering; Operations; Communications; Drainage Contractors; Plumbers; Insurance Agencies; Business associations.

Sewer Master Plan


