
Review the 2011 Heat Alert and Response Plan and Update as required - Determine emergency conditions that require opening community reception centres or emergency shelters; Ensure all public facilities have access to an A/C space; Encourage the people to seek relief from extreme heat in public places; Identify privately owned places that could be used as cooling centres during Heat Alerts; Promote access to free tap water through programs such as Blue W or the WECHU Water app; Increase access to water bottle re-fill stations in public washrooms; Review the 2011 Vulnerability to Extreme Heat in Windsor report and update where possible.

Lead: WEC Health Unit. Supporting Role: Communications; Recreation; Fire; ESCC; Parks; Community Groups.

Heat Alert and Response Plan





Enhance protection of outside workers during extreme heat conditions - Identify opportunities for targeted education to at risk workers and their employers (e.g. Factory and greenhouse workers, farmers, roofers, landscapers and construction workers); Identify options to modify outdoor staff work schedules and/or tasks under to earlier in the day, or in shaded or indoor areas; Investigate alternatives for cooler clothing options and hats for outside workers; Provide sun protection options such as sunscreen or hats to staff; Promote the importance of hydration to staff.

Lead: Human Resources; WEC Health Unit; Local Employers.

Supporting Role: City Departments with outdoor workers.






Continue to protect indoor air quality - Continue to monitor the indoor air quality of corporate work places and public places; Encourage residential and business property owners to monitor air quality.

Lead: Human Resources. Supporting Role: Facilities.



