
Update Community Development and Health Services (CDHS) Emergency Response Plan - Consult with County stakeholders to discuss regional approaches; City of Windsor staff training for emergency response; Conduct exercises to test opening emergency shelters; Develop a notification system for the public on what to do and where to go in an emergency.

Lead: CDHS, Fire. Supporting Role: Fire; Recreation; Communications; ERCA.

CDHS Emergency Response Plan





Develop an emergency response procedure for extreme flooding events - Ensure open communication among City of Windsor staff and first responders before, during and after the event; Identify vulnerable roads and areas prone to overland and extreme rain event flooding and have appropriate plans in place to address them; Consult and collaborate with first responders to prepare road closure protocols; Develop a safe access standard for road evaluations; Continue to coordinate emergency response with the LHIN to decrease risk to vulnerable populations.

Lead: Fire. Supporting Role: Operations; IT; Police; Communications; Pollution Control; Planning; ERCA; EMS; LHIN.

City of Windsor

Emergency Response






Enhance public education to increase personal preparedness & reduce health risks associated with extreme weather - Produce targeted messaging for at risk populations including seniors and persons with limited mobility as well as their caregivers; Enhance supports for CDHS clients; Educate the public on when to call 911 or 311.

Lead: Fire. Supporting Role: CDHS; Communications; WEC Health Unit; Community groups; Windsor-Essex County Extreme Temperatures Committee.


Management Plan;

Heat Alert and

Response Plan


