Implementation and Governance

Creating an implementation and governance structure is essential to achieving the community adaptation actions outlined in this Plan. Planning for implementation improves the likelihood of effective adaptation, provides new opportunities for outreach and engagement, and fosters long-term sustainability of the action by integrating multiple streams of support.

Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office

The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office will be responsible for monitoring and tracking of Degrees of Change. This includes the monitoring of climate change projections for the City and identifying when broad cross corporate and community vulnerability and risks assessments may be required to ensure that the City of Windsor is aware of possible impacts from a changing climate. In most cases, this team will work with the Community to build resiliency. This office is also available to provide technical support to various corporate departments.

City Administration Responsibility

Canadians count on local governments for good roads and bridges, efficient public transit, reliable water and waste water systems, storm water management, quality recreational facilities and so much more. In fact, municipalities build and maintain approximately 60 percent of the public infrastructure in Canada (FCM, 2019).

The City of Windsor will lead by example through the implementation of the plan but as noted throughout this plan, the City can not do it alone. The Community has a role to plan if we are going to build a resilient Windsor.

Community Task Force Responsibility

The Community Task Force will continue to meet regularly to review progress on Degrees of Change. Meetings will likely take place at least annually, with additional meeting being held as required. New information such as updated climate projections or new identified risks will be brought forward to the Community Task Force by City administration.

The Community Task Force will advocate for this Plan by bringing relevant information and new ideas back to respective organizations and businesses represented. Members of the task force shall use their influence and reach within the community to educate and advocate for climate change adaptation actions as identified in the Plan.