Community Partnerships
Building a more resilient community will not be achieved through municipal actions alone. Strengthening community partnerships will ensure climate change adaptation considerations are embedded across the community. Below are some examples where developing partnerships will enhance or expand beyond the actions called for in this Plan.
External agencies: The Essex Region Conservation Authority and Windsor Essex County Health Unit are both looking at developing regional strategies to address a changing climate. Many of the climate change impacts identified within this plan (e.g. flooding, health issues) will also be considered in these regional strategies providing opportunities for coordination and collaboration.
School Boards: Schools provide a perfect environment to educate and engage youth. Transferring knowledge to students about the local impacts of climate change can empower them to create action within the school community, their personal activities as well as in their homes. A good example of schools supporting environmental action was the education around recycling provided to youth in the 1980s. The youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow but they are also the lines of communication into many Windsor homes.
Private Sector: Extreme weather events are already impacting the private sector (e.g. businesses have flooded and restaurant patios have lower use during hot days). Partnerships with the private sector can provide opportunities for adaptation outside the public space.
Developers: The City should explore opportunities for infrastructure enhancements to address climate change as development occurs. This process could be formalized through an update to the Official Plan, development charges, site plan control, community improvement plans or through individual negotiations.
Post secondary institutions: Windsor’s Post secondary institutions can be involved through initiatives such as a City Lab - an innovation hub bringing together students, academia and civic leaders to work towards climate action. The City should look for opportunities to involve students and student-led research where appropriate. Post secondary institutions can take actions identified within the Plan to become more resilient to climate change.