Action 7.10 Implement the Community Energy Plan (including but not limited to the following)
Develop and implement home and building retro fit programs;
Encourage a modal shift towards Public Transit and Active Transportation;
Foster the adoption of electric vehicles;
Continue to retrofit City of Windsor buildings to increase energy efficiency;
Incentivize the use of energy efficiency technologies to decrease building energy demand;
Designate and plan district energy areas;
Promote and implement renewable energy generation such as solar photovoltaic energy systems
Action 7.11 landscaping Incorporate native and/or drought tolerant plants into public and private
Educate the public about the benefits of native plants including drought tolerance; water retention attracting pollinators etc.
Review and encourage the selection of species more resilient to a changing climate;
Encourage the selection of plants that are more mature and larger with deeper root systems;
Explore native plant demonstration gardens in public spaces
Action 7.12 Collaborate with the Essex Region Conservation Authority and the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on their climate change mitigation and adaptation planning
Provide data, resources and support for regional climate change planning as needed;
Encourage and support the completion of floodplain mapping for our regional watersheds;
Incorporate climate change considerations in food security communications and programming;
Support the work of the Windsor Essex Food Policy Council
Action 7.13 Assess new opportunities for different forms of business and tourism as a result of a changing climate
Educate and encourage local businesses and the tourism industry to implement adaptation actions to prepare for our climate future (e.g. cooling options for outdoor patios);
Promote "shoulder seasons" as a great time for tourism in Windsor Essex;
Work with businesses to encourage climate resilience and tourism related services