Minutes City Council Monday, February 03, 2020

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August 09, 2019

Ms. Justina Nwaesei, Planner II — Development Review

City of Windsor, Development Services

350 City Hall Square West

Windsor, Ontario, N9A 651

Dear Ms. Nwaesei:

RE: Zoning By-Law Amendment Z-013-19, fZNG-58751. and  Annrnval of Draft Plan of Subdivision SON 001-19 ISDN-58311 WYANDOTTE 15W CORNER OF FLORENCE  ARM 373906045006500: PIN: 015960820 

The following is provided as a result of our review of Zoning By~Law AmendmentZ-013~19, [ZNGA 5875], and application for Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval SDN-003-19, [SDN-5831]. The applicant is requesting a zoning amendment for the subject lands from "Development Reserve District (DRD1.1) to "Residential District (RD2.1) and "Green District 1.1 (GD1A1) in order to permit the proposed development of a new residential subdivision. This subdivision is proposed to contain single-detached units, and semi-detached units to equal a total of 49 units. It is our understanding that a block will be created for parkland use, a hedgerow buffer area, and a stormwater management pond within the development We also acknowledge that a holding zone symbol will be in place until a Final Plan of Subdivision can be registered.


The following comments reflect our role as representing the provincial interest in natural hazards encompassed by Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement of the Planning Act as well as our regulatory role as defined by Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act.

We have reviewed this development proposal with regard to the natural hazard policies of the PPS and advise that flood risks pertaining to this property can be mitigated through our development review process. The above-noted property is subject to our Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation under the Conservation Authorities Act (Ontario Regulation No. 158/06). As the parcel falls within the regulated area of the Little River and Lake St. Clair, the property owner will be required to obtain a Permit from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to any construction or site alteration or other activities affected by the regulations.

We have reviewed the "Ingress and Egress Report" dated October 24, 2018, completed by Haddad Morgan St Associates Ltd, and are satisfied with the safe access routes identified during the 11100 year