Minutes City Council Monday, February 03, 2020

Ms. Nwaesei
August 09, 2019

storm event. We would advise the applicant to submit an application for ERCA DevelopmentReview for this subdivision development at their earliest convenience.


The following comments are provided in an advisory capacity as a public commenting body on matters related to watershed management.

SECTION Stormwater Management (PPS, 2014)

We are concerned with the potential impact of the quality and quantity of runoff, and overland flow routing with regards to the downstream watercourse. We therefore request the inclusion of the following conditions in the Draft Plan of Subdivision Development Agreementtosatisfy our concerns:

  1. That the developer undertakes an engineering analysis to identify stormwater quality and quantity measures as necessary to control any increases inflows in downstream watercourses, up to and including the 1:100 year design storm, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  2. That the developer installs stormwater management measures identified above, as part of the development of the site, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  3. That the developer obtains the necessary permit or development clearance from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to undertaking site alterations and/or construction activities.


The following comments are provided from our perspective as a service provider to the Municipality on matters related to natural heritage and natural heritage systems. The comments in this section do not necessarily represent the provincial position and are advisory in nature for the consideration of the Municipality as the planning authority.

It is our understanding that the subject property may support the habitat of endangered species and threatened species. Section 2.1.7 of the PPS 2014 states “Developmentandsite alteration shall not be permitted in the habitat of endangered species and threatened species, except in accordance with provincial and federal requirements.” Upon review of the application information circulated, the applicant received correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)

informing of the potential presence of species at risk on the property. We acknowledge that MNRFadvised that the retention of the hedgerow feature located on the west and south side of the Essex Region.

Amherstburg / Essex /

Kingsville / Lakeshore / LaSalle / Leamington / Pelee Island / Tecumseh / Windsor