Tribunal proceedings,including the CMC,are open to the public and all documentsfiled in a proceedingwill be includedin the Tribunal’s public file (except those documentsthat may be deemedconfidential in accordance with section 33(3) of the Local Planning AppealTribunal Act, 2017, as amended).

The Tribunalshall issue a disposition following the CMCthatwill set out the directions of the Tribunal. A copy of this decision may be obtained from the Tribunal’s website ( by referencing the above case number.

Please see Schedule for relevant excerpts from the Tribunal’s Rules.

Pour recevoir des services en frangais, veuillez communiquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 212-6349, au moins 20 jours civils avant la date fixée pour l'audience.

Chargesincurred for international calls will be the responsibility of the caller.

We are committed to providing accessible services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. |f you have anyaccessibility needs, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator as soon as possible by emailing If you require documents in formats other than conventional print, or if you have specific accommodation needs,please let us know so we can make arrangements in advance.

DATEDatToronto, this 07th day of July, 2020.

Evelyn Dawes