Aperson who is neither a party nor a participant but wishes to observe the event can

connectto the eventbycalling into an audio-only telephoneline: Canada (Toll Free): 1

888 299 1889 or Canada: +1 (647) 497-9373. The access codeis 955-016-485.

If parties and participants experience technicaldifficulties, they maycall into the audio- only telephone line.

This eventdateis firm — adjournmentswill not be granted exceptin the mostserious circumstances, and only in accordancewith the Tribunal’s Rules of Practice and Procedure(“Rules”, see Schedule C) on adjournments.

If you do not attend the event, the Tribunal may proceed in your absence and you will notbe entitled to anyfurther notice of these proceedings. The Tribunal mayfinalize the list of appellants, parties and/or participants at this CMC(if not already completed at a prior event), and may orderthat no additional appellants, parties and/orparticipants be addedorincludedin this proceeding, without leave of the Tribunal.

This event is conducted under Rule 20 of the Rules (see Schedule C). Rule 20.2 sets out how a party may objectto the Tribunal conducting this eventelectronically. Any party mayobjectto the Tribunal holding this event by video by filing an objection with the Tribunal’s Case Coordinator. The objection mustbe received by the Tribunal within 7 daysof the date of this notice and must be copied to the other parties. All contact information is included in Schedule A.


A person grantedparty status at a prior CMC whointendsto file a documentthatis not in the Tribunal'scasefile is expected to pre-file that documentwith the Tribunal in paper copy and electronic form at least 5 days before the date of the CMC,unless another filing date is specified in a procedural orderorin the Rules. All pre-filed documents shall be served on theotherparties electronically. All contact information is included in Schedule A.

Submissions larger than 10MB must be transferred to the Tribunal’s Case Coordinator using an electronicfile sharing link/service. Please see Schedule B for further submission requirements.


The purpose of the CMC is set out in Rule 19.1 (attached) of the Rules. The CMC will deal with preliminary issues.

Everyone should come preparedto consider specific dates for proceedingsin this matter.

All persons who wishto participate in this matter are expected to be prepared should the Tribunal convert the CMCto a settlement conference, a motion for procedural directions, or a preliminary hearing, where evidenceorformal statements or submissions may be heard. Even whenno settlementis reached, the Tribunal may proceed to makea final decision on any evidencereceived during the conference.

Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020

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