Thefollowing is for your information only. Review the Planning Act and relevant regulations for statutory requirements. The processingof the application is subject to change. The application will be terminated withoutnotice after 60 days of inactivity. Direct all questions about the application to the assigned Planner. The procedure generally encompasses the following steps:
4. The application is reviewedto ensureall prescribed and required information and the fee
The application may be placed on the Consent Agendaof the Council Meeting, a part of the meeting where Council approves a numberof matters with a single motion. If the application is not on the Consent Agenda,the staff planner mayintroduce the application, review the staff recommendation and any additional information provided to Council, and advise Council of any differences betweenthestaff and DHSC recommendations. The applicant and other interested parties have an opportunity to make verbal and/or written submissions. Council may decide to approve, denyordefer the application. If Council approves the application, the amending by-law may be approvedat the same Council meeting, otherwiseit will be approved ata future Council meeting.
40. When the amending by-law is passed, the City Clerk will mail a notice of the passing of the amending by-law to property owners and various public agencies within 15 days. There is a 20-day appeal period commencing the day afterthis notice is given. Thenotice will include the last daytofile an appeal. An appealis madeto the Local Planning AppealTribunal (LPAT)through the City Clerk. If no appealis filed, the amending by-law is final and binding asof the date of Council’s passing of the by-law.
If the rezoningis subjectto a holding symbol,it
the responsibility of the property owner to satisfy the conditions to
removethe holding symboland to submit an application and fee to remove the holding symbol.
Planning & Building Department — Planning Division Telephone: 519-255-6543
Email: planningdept@citywindsor.ca