4. PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION By-law 199-2007 requires pre-submission consultati on with a staff Planner to determine what suppor ting information is required, to verify fee payable, and to review the process. This application is incomplete unless y ou have a valid Pre-Submission Lette r or a staff Planner signs below.

2. REQUIRED SUPPORTING INFORMATION(To be completed bya staff Planner)

Unless you have a valid Pre-Submission Letter, a staff Plannerwill indicate below what supporting information must be submitted with the application during pre-submission consultation. The City of Windsorreservestheright to require additional supporting information during the processing of the application. All supporting information submitted is made available for public review.

For each document, provide one paper copy, and where possible, one digital copy on a CD or USB flash drive. All drawingsorplansshall be in letter size (8.5 x 11 inches) in JPG and PDFformat. All other documentshall be provided in Word and PDFformat. All PDF documents shall be flattened with no layers.

If you are submitting a companion application submit only one set of documents,

I Deed or

Land (see Section 11)


(see Section 8)


Offer to Purchase

0 Environmental

© Environmental

OC Built Heritage

OG Archaeological

Site Assessment

Impact Study

Evaluation Report

Assessment — Stage 1

1 Guideline Plan

C Lighting Study

(0 Geotechnical Study

C2 Floor Plan and


1 Noise Study

(1 Corporation Profile & Site Plan Conceptual {Sketch of Subject


Micro-Climate Study


Planning Rationale



Market Impact



Speciesat Risk


Storm Sewer Study



Sanitary Sewer Study

Recordof Site Condition

(see Schedule E)


City of Windsor- Zoning By-law AmendmentApplication Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020

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