Verify that you are using the most current application form.


the review of the application.

Section 6:

Indicate the amendment, proposeduses and describe the nature and extent of the amendmentbeing requested.Indicate why the amendmentis being requested and howit is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and conformsto the City of WindsorOfficial Plan. If this information is in a Planning Rationale Report, check the box beside “See Planning Rationale Report’.

Section 11: Provide a sketch of the subject land showing,in metric units, theitemslistedorindicateif this information is provided on an existing plan or a conceptual site plan.

Check the appropriate box based on a valid Pre-Submission Letter or pre-submission consultation.

Submit the application form, supporting studies and information, and the fee to Ashley D'Alessandro, Senior Clerk Steno,

Planning Division, 350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210, Windsor, ON N9A 6S1.

The type of amendmentis determinedby the City Planneror their designate.

* Site designated in the Official Plan for residential use — rezoning to accommodate a maximumof six dwelling units

* Site designatedin the Official Plan for the proposeduse other than residential — site-specific zoning for a site with lot area ofless than 1,000.0 m?

Majo r Zoning Amendment « Any other amendment not listed as

Date Received Stamp

Major Zoning Amendment

City of Windsor- Zoning By-law AmendmentApplication


with this application.

Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020

regulationsorto zoningdistrict boundary to matchlotlines
