3805 Woodward Blvd drainage issues

Sean Delmore

Thu 2020-11-19 3:27 PM

To: Jayme Lauzon


Dear City Council

I am writing to ask that you hire a consultant to do a full and transparent review of the Woodward Blvd drainage issues that have been plaguing us for years.

I am a home owner at 3805 Woodward Blvd and when I built my home at this location approx 10 years ago I dreamed of the enjoyment of backing onto the Devonwoods Conservation area.

I payed a premium for the empty building lot as well as a great deal of money to the city of Windsor in Development fees and building permits to construct my home.

From the time we closed the house in during construction and dug the mandatory sump pump pit I have had water entering the pit 24/7 365 days a year.

I have had the underground water lines checked for breaks and was assured that the water was ground water and not potable. I have had the city out with the help of my past city councillor Hillary Payne to review the water issue and the maintenance of the Hydro easement and ditch at the rear of our properties and was successful once in 10 at getting the brush cut from the ditch to allow unimpeded water flow during storms to the catch basin approx .4 houses to the North.

We were also advised by Hillary that after a study of the drainage in the area that is was a great disaster and the city could not fix this area or is not willing to fix it do to the grades being so bad. I don’t see this area in the current storm sewer or long term master plans anywhere to do a study and get facts and plan to help out the residents in this area especially the ones backing onto the woods.

I believe that we are in fact getting left behind and no one is willing to stand up and get answers as to why do we have to live with the stress of having water 24/7 entering our homes and I personally have got through approx 6 different sump pumps from low end to high end to try to reduce the stress of the water and always worried the basement will flood. This has cost me approx over $3000.00 in pumps that I personally installed over the years so no labour added.

I have attached a few photos of the Spy Pump history records for you to see and ask you really consider if you would like your family to have to live with the constant threat of flooding in your home as we currently do.

One last thing, this issue has absolutely nothing to do with the current struggles the city and residents face every storm with the retention of storm water do to the excessive rain events we are all facing, this is a drainage issue for the area that goes on 24/7 365 days a year.

Thanks for you time

Sean Delmore