Devonwoods forest

Holds water and cannot flow out to any ditches, no drainage. The edges of the forest are higher than the land it appears. Is this water going underground and finding the path of least resistance - our homes? This area is constantly supersaturated. 3 of the 4 seasons you cannot walk back there because it is underwater. New raised paths are now an option.

Stagnating water breeds massive amounts of mosquitos.

Optimist park drainage solution for comparision:

Comments from various residents:

In summary – there is a wide spread water management/drainage and flooding issue in this area that needs to be addressed. This area does not appear to be flagged on the Windsor improvement plan. With these issues getting worse each year, we need this addressed. A couple of us now have devices that quantify the activity. If you would like to review any data we can provide.

With your help and further investigation, it is our hope that we can quickly now solve and remedy these issues in the Devonshire Height neighborhood.

Jayme Lauzon

3785 Woodward / 3700 and 3800 Woodward blocks