City Council
Monday, November 9, 2020

3. That City Council APPROVE the use of $123,500 in funding from the Climate Change Reserve Funds (Fund 223) as the City’s matching funding for the development of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan, which includes a building energy audit.

Report Number: SCM 290/2020 & S 116/2020

Clerk’s File: EI/10822

8.6. Temporary Exhibition Look Again! Installed Outdoors at Eight Downtown Locations - Ward 3

Moved by: Councillor Gill
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: CR545/2020 CSPS 120

That the request from the Art Gallery of Windsor for the temporary installation of Eight Reproduction Paintings in Frames in the fall of 2020 for up to ONE YEAR BE APPROVED; and further,

That City Council AUTHORIZE the City Solicitor or designate to develop an Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Windsor and the Art Gallery of Windsor to reflect the installation of the artworks in the City Right-of-Way for a period of up to ONE YEAR; and further,

That City Council AUTHORIZE the waiver of fees of $1,696.00 for the permit to install 8 temporary art displays as well as the refundable indemnity fee of $400.00; and further,

That the installation and maintenance of the artwork BE SUBJECT TO appropriate risk and liability insurance, satisfactory to the Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management; and further,

That the location of each of the Eight Installations for the duration of the exhibition, IS SATISFACTORY to the Manager of Right-of-Way; and further,

That the Temporary Art Installation BE CORRECTLY PERMITTED as per The City of Windsor’s process with an indemnity clause in place for the duration of the installation; and,

That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Agreement, satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor, and in content to the Executive Director of Recreation and Culture.


Report Number: SCM 299/2020 & S 125/2020

Clerk’s File: SR/13926

8.7. Ontario Health Teams Status Update

Moved by: Councillor Gill
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie