out, the current RFT and RPT Caretakers would be reassigned from City Hall to other locations. Caretakers at other locations can be assigned to City Hall if necessary for circumstances such as supporting special events that may not be part of the contracted services.

The City Hall campus currently has seven (7) Regular Full-Time caretakers and seven (7) Regular Part-Time caretakers assigned to it. Five (5) RFT caretaker positions, assigned to various locations, are currently vacant, and one employee has elected to retire on November 30, 2020, for a total of six (6) vacant RFT caretaker positions. Based on retirement eligibility there is a potential that another RFT caretaker may retire within the next two years. Similar to the contracting out of caretaking at Huron Lodge, a transition plan would include funding for one (1) RFT caretaker position until they retire, or leave through other forms of attrition.

Risk Analysis:

Should Council decide to proceed with awarding the contract to the successful proponent, there is risk in outsourcing as future tender prices may come back higher once the contract expires.

Should Council decide not to proceed with the award of contract, the current vacancies will need to be filled in order to continue to provide the service. This will delay the implementation of Phase II and further phases of contracting out of caretaking services.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation: