
Through attrition, six (6) Regular Full-Time (RFT) Caretaker positions have become vacant, presenting the opportunity to proceed to Phase II. As identified in the March 7, 2016 Council report, Phase II proposed outsourcing caretaking services at 13 locations that typically have one caretaker working at them on a full or part time basis. The caretakers that currently work at those locations would be reassigned to other locations.

In compliance with the Purchasing Bylaw 93-2012, RFP NO. 133-19 CARETAKING (JANITORIAL) SERVICES was written and advertised on Wednesday, October 2, 2019. The RFP included caretaking services, supervision, equipment and supplies for various City owned locations. The RFP closed on November 1, 2019 with two submissions being received.

The price of the proposal with the highest combined technical and financial score for RFP NO. 133-19 CARETAKING (JANITORIAL) SERVICES was higher than the cost of performing the services in-house with City staff, and the procurement process was cancelled. Following informal discussions with vendors, this may have been due to the thirteen (13) facilities included being in multiple locations, and many requiring less than 4 hours/day of cleaning per location.

The report to council of March 7, 2016, titled “Response to City Council Inquiry – Caretaking”, proposed the next phase may include the City Hall campus (350 & 400 City Hall), and the Aquatic Centre campus (WIATC, Transit, Francois Baby House and Museum/Art Gallery), although not necessarily at the same time. Administration proceeded to issue a RFP to obtain prices for caretaking services at the City Hall campus only, providing vendors with a consolidated single location, with approximately 275,000 square feet of space.

Again, in compliance with the Purchasing Bylaw 93-2012, RFP 131-20 was written and advertised on Friday, October 2, 2020. A mandatory site meeting was held on Saturday, October 17, 2020 with five potential proponents in attendance. The RFP closed on October 26, 2020 with five submissions being received. The evaluation team scored the technical submissions from all five proponents. Two of the five proponents passed the technical scoring. The two remaining submissions were then scored based upon their financial submission. The highest combined technical and financial score was achieved by the proposal from GDI Services (Canada) LP.

The cost proposal submitted by GDI Services is less costly than the current operating budget for the same services performed by City employees. A financial analysis is included in the Financial Matters section of this report.

In recognition of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the RFP included the requirement for daily disinfection of high-touch surfaces a minimum of three times per shift for the first year of the contract, and a minimum of one time per day in the following years. An hourly rate is included, should any additional work be required over and above the base contract duties.

Subject to Council approval, and in accordance with Council’s direction, the outsourcing of caretaking services at City Hall would be implemented with no job losses for any regular full time employees. If the RFT Caretaker positions at City Hall were contracted