PIC Webinar Question: carolinetaylor 05:15 PM

a bike coral should be situated in a highly visual area to decrease chance of bike thefts. This question has been answered live

Noted. ATMP identified corner clearance for bike corrals however require further review for each case.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:17 PM

Detroit uses special cleaning equipment on bike lanes This question has been answered live

Protected bike lanes would require a significant increase to the overall bike lane width of which we do not have under the current conditions and scope of work. Separated lanes would require a min 2m clear width in order for snow plowing efforts.

PIC Webinar Question: Krizanovic, Tom 05:24 PM

For the lane of Sandwich that maintains both a bike lane and parking, could you alternate the parking and bike lane, so the parked cars can serve as a protector from driving traffic for the bike lane? Similar to the parking and bike lane setup on Michigan Ave in Corktown in Detroit?

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This would require more overall road width of which we don’t have

PIC Webinar Question: Mike

Cardinal 05:30 PM

Jeff Hagan: please look at how often PROTECTED BIKE LANES have been called for in the WDBA listening sessions and in these details. Please use your abundant skill to find solutions. For example: like in Montreal, Detroit, Toronto, and throughout Europe, we see two-way bike lanes, 2 meters or so wide, on one side of the roadway, protected by parked cars and a curb to keep the parked cars off the wider bike lane. Don't gaslight us. We see this for ourselves in successful cities. Build this for the future, not the minimums of the past!

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Not aware off WDBA listening sessions. Protected Bike lanes are not possible due to narrow ROW and other infrastructure in the way.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:31 PM

WDBA promised info on H Gray Parkway Bike connection - still waiting 1 year later? This question has been answered live

The current cycling network within the ATMP do have many connections to the Herb Grey parkway including those that are being worked on currently (Sandwich, PAR and MUT to Mic Mac).

PIC Webinar Question: carolinetaylor 05:32 PM

Will you be installing planters along the sidewalk in the business area? They tend to be hazardous, they collect litter, and the plants in them need to be maintained and they never are. We could do without them.

This question has been answered live

New planters are not included in this scope of work. At this time it includes protecting those that are existing.

PIC Webinar Question: Mary

Ann Cuderman 05:33 PM

Russell St. is a truck route from Detroit St. west. How does this reconcile with Russell St. being designated AAA This question has been answered live

There are many examples of truck routes that are AAA facilities which are typically using a multiuse trail.

PIC Webinar Question: Mary

Ann Cuderman 05:34 PM

Will the fountain at Mill and Sandwich be affected? This question has been answered live

The existing fountain is not to be affected as per the current plans.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:42 PM

WDBA community Office reopening soon? This question has been answered live

Due to COVID all offices currently closed and employees working remotely except for contractors. In review for future re-opening. Available by Email info@wdbridge.com or WDBA's 800 number,

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:45 PM

Great Project! Just like to have near future feedback considered seriously. This question has been answered live

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PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:52 PM

City doing new u/g RTB feature at Sandwich / Ojibway Parkway. Not directly WDBA scope but important that it could be new City landscape or structural Gateway feature

Noted. Info passed along to WDBA/BNA for deign coordination.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:54 PM

Battle of Detroit Plaque kind of hidden on other side of street there - improve This question has been answered live

Noted. Not included in this scope of work. May be considered as part of future WDBA streetscaping community benefit efforts.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:55 PM

Stone pylon, covers in bushes - update? This question has been answered live


PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:56 PM

Will any of industrial property owners assist in landscaping? This question has been answered live

Not in scope and typically not done during city rehab projects. However will be considered.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:57 PM

Public Art potential can help City and their business identity This question has been answered live

Not included in scope. However may be included in other WDBA Community Benefits efforts.