Extreme Heat Mitigation:

Integrate shade and sun protection design features and landscapes.

Include rest areas with benches in shaded areas consistent with the AAA concept.

New amenities are not a part of this scope of work. Streetscaping may be included as a separate community benefit by WDBA. More info to come. No Green Infrastructure anticipated.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:10 PM

Resurface or rebuild road? This question has been answered live

Rebuild road section.

PIC Webinar Question: United Way Windsor-Essex 04:11 PM

How many trees will have to be removed as a part of this project. There are a number of mature trees next to Sandwich St. in some cases between the side walk and the road. Given the City's Tree Coverage study and the current tree count, will these mature trees be protected and preserved. If not will they be replaced with new tree plantings along this reconstruction area? This question has been answered live

Every effort to preserve ex trees. May be opportunity to add new trees.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:12 PM

New Sewer resize or just reline? This question has been answered live

Relining Ex Sewers

PIC Webinar Question: Gord

Bacon AM800 04:13 PM

This work along Sandwich that's set to begin, how will it effect pedestrians/ motorists and what kind of timeline are you looking at. When available to answer? This question has been answered live

Project to provide new road, curb, sidewalks/crosswalks (following ADA), multiuse trails, bike lanes all as benefit to pedestrian and motorists. Construction is anticipated sometime in the fall of next year however currently in the very early stages of design which could impact schedule.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:15 PM

No street scape pedestrian improvements / landscaping or Green Infrastructure techniques? This question has been answered live

Streetscaping may be included as a separate community benefit by WDBA. More info to come. No Green Infrastructure anticipated.

PIC Webinar Question: Gord

Bacon AM800 04:15 PM

Basically, will their be road and sidewalk closures and if so, how long? This question has been answered live

Yes, Every effort will be made to minimize disruptions through coordination with all parties. Emergency access and trash/recycle services will be encouraged to be maintained. Public Transportation impacts will need to be coordinated

PIC Webinar Question: Tamara

Murray 04:17 PM

Many residents and Business owners are grateful for the improvements and road/sidewalk improvements but are concerned about parking. Bike lanes are welcomed but, parking for the businesses need to be addressed. Many in the small business community would like more dialogue on this, is this possible? This question has been answered live

Only one parking stall was identified for removal within the BIA due to revising the bus stop. All other parking stalls required to be removed are between Brock and Chappell.

PIC Webinar Question: carolinetaylor 04:19 PM

Will there be any mitigation measures to calm the smell penetrating from the Lou Romano Water Reclamation plant such as planting foliage around the plant etc.?

This question has been answered live

Noted. feedback will be taken back for information.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:19 PM

Same street lights and hydro pole or some u/g? GI is not bollards? This question has been answered live

No plan for Green Infrastructure nor upgrades to street lights. Any existing decoratiuve street lights will be preserved. Also, no planned changes to ex. Hydro poles.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:21 PM

Green Infrastructure is not bollards and garbage cans. GI mitigates and can treat strormwater This question has been answered live

Noted. No Green Infrastructure being considered at this time.

PIC Webinar Question: Anonymous Attendee 04:23 PM

Parking - BIA could engage NCCE about off hours access and Dollarama about lot becoming BIA usage This question has been answered live

Noted. Only one parking stall was identified for removal within the BIA due to revising the bus stop. Recommendation for BIA.

PIC Webinar Question: Tamara

Murray 04:24 PM

Follow up on parking, will the municipal parking at Hall). This question has been answered live Brock and College SW and SE corners, the angled parking spaces be maintained?

(Beside MacKenzie

This is outside the scope of work. That cross street parking will not be impacted.

PIC Webinar Question: Mike

Cardinal 04:26 PM

Given the opportunity to rebuild as new, why are old-thinking unprotected bike lanes used? Protected bike lanes are know to be far more safe and known to attract 80% of bikers (versus 5 to 10% who will accept the risk of using unprotected bike lanes).

For example, within the same footprint, other cities design for the parked cars to provide a barrier between the bike lanes and car traffic. And, within the same overall width, other cities use barrier separated two-way (multi-use) bike lanes. Thanks for the painted bike lanes but their design is already outdated.

This question has been answered live

The existing narrow ROW including existing infrastructure such as hydro poles do not allow for widening of Sandwich Street and this the reason for eliminating paring on one side of the street. However, every effort will be made to maximize the bike lane widths including for buffers. Design to follow City standards and Book 18. It is important to accommodate all ages and abilities. Also ATMP calls for two parallel routes. Sandwich to provide more direct travel to commuters, shopping and BIA and the other all ages and abilities on Russell Street (future plan). Book 18 would recommended unprotected bikes lanes for Sandwich Street.

PIC Webinar Question: Veronica

Samek 04:27 PM

How will bike lane connect from Sandwich Street through the roundabout - sorry if this was already asked or answered! This question has been answered live

the area is classified as a very high archeological potential which complicates any reconstruction efforts. In addition the ROW is very narrow. There is a current plan in the works to include for bikes lanes, however will take more time to conduct due diligence to avoid excess project costs or delays.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:29 PM

Wyandotte St in Walkerville Redo several years ago retained parking despite some community objection. Now even the Walkerville BIA fills in parking spaces with patio and wood walk byes'. Not let street parking overrule good street design with more trees? This question has been answered live

Parking is important the businesses for the BIA and this design does preserve existing parking within the BIA. In walkerville, now that fees have been dropped, business have applied for patios in the ROW overtop parking. It would still be an option for business's to pursue through the city should they wish.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:41 PM

Will west portion trail area have new landscape features, new Tree canopy where missing etc. This question has been answered live

Noted. New trees will be considered for inclusion into the project.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:42 PM

Consider roundabout at Ojibway Parkway juncture with Sandwich St. or better bike linkage? This question has been answered live

It was considered as part of the preliminary design, however was not included in this scope of work. There is a Bike linkage from

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:44 PM

Trail on drawings stops before reaching special Pedestrian / Cyclist Customs plaza? This question has been answered live

dihtthPitA R dMUTtht tt Sandwich MUT will connect to the northern portion to the recently built Perimeter Access Road that includes for a MUT.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:51 PM

Russell St. AAA and Sandwich Town area subsidiary bikeway? This question has been answered live

Noted as correct.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 04:53 PM

What improvements on Russell st? This question has been answered live

Russell St. is outside the scope of work at this time, however is still an important component to the ATMP.

PIC Webinar Question: Krizanovic, Tom 05:02 PM

Will these bike lanes be "protected bike lanes"? There is a lot of concern from cyclists like myself about being doored or over-taken from vehicles, and having planters or curbs that separate the bike lanes from the road. This question has been answered live

The existing narrow ROW including existing infrastructure such as hydro poles does not allow for widening of Sandwich Street and this the reason for eliminating paring on one side of the street. However, every effort will be made to maximize the painted bike lane widths including for buffers.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:05 PM

Existing sidewalk planter improvements with less square edges? This question has been answered live

Not included in scope. However info will be taken back for consideration should new planters be considered.

PIC Webinar Question: Krizanovic, Tom 05:05 PM

Thank you! re: protected bike lanes. Even pylons or plastic barriers that separate the road from the bike lanes would be appreciated if they can be considered as part of community consultation, similar to those installed on the new section of the Herb Gray Parkway that currently close off one of the lanes.

This question has been answered live

The existing narrow ROW including existing infrastructure such as hydro poles does not allow for widening of Sandwich Street and this the reason for eliminating paring on one side of the street. However, every effort will be made to maximize the painted bike lane widths including for buffers.

PIC Webinar Question: MHSTCI-

Darren Winger 05:06 PM

the addition of a bike corral between Mill and Brock would be beneficial...and a 1st for Windsor This question has been answered live

Not part of this scope at this time. however city is working on a bike parking policy city wide which which include bike corrals.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:11 PM

Enhance new heritage signs to heritage features off site from Sandwich St? This question has been answered live

May be included in additional WDBA Community Benefits efforts.

PIC Webinar Question: davidhanna 05:14 PM

“Armadillo” recycled material, rounded, intermittent bike lane protective signifiers? This question has been answered live

Scope included painted bike lanes and not protected due to the overall road width available.